Our Approach
Organisation Development (OD) is an approach to working with complex organisational change. OD has been addressing complex challenges for seven decades and in that time has built a wealth of empirical evidence in research and practice. It draws on theory and practice from psychology as well as business, management and leadership theory.
“OD Practitioners are behavioural scientists who, through effective relationship-building skills, deliver help and support to a client system with the dual goal of improving the performance as well as the internal health of the system” (Cheung-Judge 2021)
If an organisation is to thrive, the ability to undergo continuous change, transformation, and adaptation must be deeply embedded in its behavioural and cultural patterns.
Traditional problem solving is to see a problem, analyse it, break the parts down and form a solution, then put it back together. This does not work for complex problems where there are lots of causes, players and ways to measure success and no root cause. In OD, we are interested in noticing patterns, not problems. Working with group processes, we work in partnership with you to notice those patterns together and understand how we can experiment with shifting the patterns, so they are more productive, healthy and fit for function. Our work takes place in the relationship arena—working with leaders, teams and stakeholders.
At Clare Joghee, Organisation Development Ltd. we are interested in your unique context and we believe that the way in which we work with you also needs to be unique. We design our interventions for you specifically, using contextual acumen. We specialise in relational work, and are experts in psycho-dynamics in teams and organisations. We develop Executive Teams to work at their most productive, provide team and individual coaching, shift culture in organisations and develop leaders to work at their best in the spirit of life long learning.